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personality styles (DiSC®)

ll DISC tests, including the Everything DiSC® assessments, are built upon the foundation of what William Moulton Marston identified as four primary emotions and associated behavioral responses. We identify them today as D (dominance), I (influence), S (steadiness), and C (conscientiousness).

The DiSC® model looks at a continuum of pace (activity and energy level) and a continuum of skepticism or trust. Other DISC models tend to look at pacing and another behavioral dimension.

A quick overview of the basic DiSC styles:

Dominance: direct, strong-willed, and forceful (fast-paced and skeptical)

Influence: sociable, talkative, and lively (fast-paced and accepting)

Steadiness: gentle, accommodating, and soft-hearted (moderate-paced and accepting)

Conscientiousness: private, analytical, and logical (moderate-paced and skeptical)

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