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Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

This course will begin by defining pediatric (or pediatric) advanced life support (PALS). You will learn about the series of protocols to guide responses to life-threatening clinical events. You will also learn about how to quickly and efficiently organize a resuscitation team to effectively participate in PALS. Learn about PALS basic life support (BLS) method used when there is limited access to advanced interventions such as medications and monitoring devices. Because respiratory distress in children and infants can occur unexpectedly, the knowledge of the steps and algorithms for BLS may mean the difference between life and death.

The course then explains more about resuscitation tools that are available as an essential component of PALS. You will learn about the two adjuncts broken down into two subcategories: medical devices and pharmacological tools. You will also learn about the symptoms to look for when checking for a respiratory disorder and how to respond to them. Study the various types of shock, and how to recognize and respond to each. You will master post-resuscitation care and its role in optimizing ventilation and circulation, preserving organ and tissue function, and maintaining recommended blood glucose levels.

You will also gain the skills to perform a one-person BLS and a two-person BLS. Studying the importance of airway management is a major component of pediatric advanced life support. If you are a parent, carer, childminder, nursery teacher, or an au pair, these skills will be invaluable to your peace of mind.

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